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Certified Public Accounting Firm
Tel: +1(718)888-8868
New Address: 3915 Main St Ste 500
Flushing, NY 11354
Wechat ID(微信号): filetax123

Practice Areas

我们提供全方位高质量的服务给企业和个人, 主要的服务包括: 税务丶会计丶商业和管理咨询丶投资理财丶教育培训服务。 公司的主要的服务对象是: (1)美国当地的企业和个人;(2)到美国投资的中国; (3)在中国/加拿大投资丶工作丶经商的美国公司和个人;(4)从中国到美国的新移民和留学生。
(6)国际税务(cross-border tax)服务
(8)信托(Trust) 税务
(10) 海外公司申报
(11) 补报税,审阅并调整已申报的税
(12) Tax Planning (税务规划)
(1) 公司记账/簿记 (Bookkeeping) (月/季度/年) 丶编制财务报表丶财务报表分析
(3) 财务系统设立,会计软件咨询;
(4) 填报W-2,W-3,1099, 8804, 8805, 8813, 1042, 1042-S, 1042-T等各种表格;
(5) 销售税服务: 申请美国各州的销售税许可证丶申报美国各州的销售税。
(1) 美国公司注册
(2) 编制商业计划书
(3) 买卖生意, 商业价值评估 (business valuation)
(4) 企业管理咨询
(5) 财务报表分析( Financial Analysis)
(6) 风险(Risk)评估
(7) Internal Control 咨询
We are a full service public accounting firm in NYC. We provide professional accounting services and understand the importance of your time and want to assist by giving you more time to focus on your clients, while we focus on the details of your financial matters. Whether you are a small startup company or mature in your market our professionals have the experience to help you with your professional accounting services including small business bookkeeping services. Our experienced CPA will help you run your business more efficiently and always provide the highest quality of customer service.
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